How do Medical Malpractice Claims Work?
The primary purpose of a civil lawsuit is to obtain compensation for harm suffered as a result of another’s wrongful act. Medical malpractice lawsuits aim, as best as is possible with monetary compensation, to place the harmed individual in the position they would be if the malpractice had not occurred.
To do this malpractice claims seek compensation for various consequences of the harm suffered. This includes compensation for emotional, physical and psychological pain and suffering, past and future costs of treatment, past lost earnings and loss of ability to work in the future, loss of the ability to take care of one’s children or home, as well as the loss of relationships.
In wrongful death claims, compensation is sought for loss of economic support, loss of household contributions, medical expenses incurred before death, burial and funeral costs as well as the loss of the care, companionship and support the individual provided before they died.