02 April, 2015

Do I Need a Lawyer?

Luckily, most people come to a law office to clarify what their friends and family have told them about their case. Others, however, take their friend’s advice to heart and proceed with litigation on their own or with the help...

01 April, 2015

Accidents Involving Left Turning Vehicles

We often have clients who are involved in accidents where one motor vehicle was turning left and the other vehicle was travelling straight through at an intersection. There is a commonly held belief that the driver turning left is automatically...

18 March, 2015

Don’t Leave Your Medical Care To ICBC

When our client’s vehicle was t-boned by someone running a stop sign, he suffered a concussion, whiplash and shoulder injury.  He decided to deal with ICBC directly and did not retain a lawyer until over a year had passed. As a...

11 March, 2015

Reporting Symptoms To Your Doctor

It’s important to let your doctor know if you are experiencing pain or symptoms related to your motor vehicle accident.  If you don’t, ICBC may try to use the absence of notations in your clinical records against you. In 2014 our...

06 March, 2015

A Tradesman’s Reputation Has a Dollar Value

A tradesman’s reputation has value. It leads to job opportunities and repeat business. However, a tradesman’s reputation can quickly change if they are no longer able to do quality work.  In a physically demanding trade, one of the biggest reasons for...

03 March, 2015

Ormiston v. I.C.B.C

Liability between a young cyclist and an unknown motorist was determined in the case of Ormiston v. I.C.B.C., 2012 BCSC 665; Ormiston v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, 2014 BCCA 276.   Mr. Ormiston was cycling to high school on the downhill...

02 March, 2015

Raj v. Khosravi

Raj v. Khosravi, 2015 BCCA 49, highlights a concern for individuals who represent themselves and have direct contact with an Insurance Corporation of British Columbia adjuster after a motor vehicle accident.    After Mr. Raj was involved in a car accident where there...

26 February, 2015

Redmond v. Krider

In Redmond v. Krider, 2015 BCSC 178, the evidence of Dr. Alexander Levin, a psychiatric expert testifying for ICBC, was given very little weight by the Court.  In considering the admissibility of Dr. Levin’s report, the judge noted:   [116]     Dr. Levin was also...