20 August, 2018

Quadriplegic Injured in Motor Vehicle Accident

The Plaintiff in Kirby v. Loubert, 2018 BCSC 498, claimed damages for injuries he suffered in a motor vehicle collision in Vancouver.  The Plaintiff was driving southbound on in the curb lane, heading straight through an intersection, when the Defendant turned...

14 August, 2018

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Concussions can be caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the head and/or upper body.  Concussions are common if you play a contact...

16 July, 2018

Concussion Protocol in the NFL

A new video about concussions in the NFL has come out recently.  It’s called “Concussion Protocol,” by Josh Begley and Field of Vision.  According to the NFL’s own statistics, athletes suffered 281 concussions in 2017.  “Concussion Protocol” is a visual...

10 July, 2018

Maximum Award for Pain and Suffering in Canada

In personal injury claims, the plaintiff is entitled to general damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.  The court refers to these as “non-pecuniary damages”.  Although no amount of money can really compensate a plaintiff for their...

04 July, 2018

Nurse Injured in Head-On Collision

In the case of Sdrakas v. Dawe-Cook, 2017 BCSC 2276, the Plaintiff was a front seat passenger in a vehicle being driven by her husband. They were travelling on a two lane road when the Defendant’s vehicle crossed over the centre...

25 June, 2018

The Admissibility of an Expert Report

In the personal injury action of Young v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia, 2017 BCSC 2306, the Plaintiff applied for a ruling that ICBC’s expert engineering report was inadmissible and should be excluded. The claim arose out of an accident in which...

18 June, 2018

Road Rage Incident

A case of road rage near the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal was litigated in Myers v. Gallo, 2017 BCSC 2291.  The two female drivers involved disagreed on many aspects of the accident, including each other’s behaviour and attitude before, during and...

11 June, 2018

Rotator Cuff Injury

In the case of Ross v. Dupuis, 2017 BCSC 2159, the Plaintiff was driving on the highway with her two-year old son in a car seat in the rear seat of the vehicle.  The Defendant was driving in the opposite direction...

29 May, 2018

Right of Way At Stop Sign

In Belos v. Michaels, 2017 BCSC 1217, the Plaintiff was driving his motorcycle on a through road and the Defendant was stopped at a stop sign, waiting to enter onto the through road.  As the Plaintiff approached the intersection the Defendant...