Huda Jokhadar seeks compensation for injuries she suffered in a motor
vehicle accident in the interchange at the north end of the Lions Gate Bridge
in West Vancouver on October 18, 2006. Since the accident she has experienced
back, neck, right shoulder and right arm pain and weakness that is, in part, a
result of a soft tissue injury and, in part, a result of irritation of the
nerve root caused by protrusion of a disc at the C5-6 level of her spine. In
addition, Ms. Jokhadar says a bipolar affective disorder which has
affected her for years has been exacerbated by the emotional and physical
impact of the accident. That disorder is said to coexist with and contribute to
post-traumatic stress disorder, which is also said to arise out of the
accident. The assessment of Ms. Jokhadars claim for loss of enjoyment of
the amenities of life and the loss of past and prospective income requires
careful consideration of her lengthy and complex psychiatric history.EvidenceMs. Jokhadars Pre-2002 Medical History...