In a notice of application filed February 9, 2012, the defendants ask
for the following order:1. The Plaintiff to produce and deliver to
the solicitor for the Defendants a complete copy of the Plaintiffs Facebook
profile website, including all photographs and information relating to those
photographs such as the dates on which each photograph was added and all
comments related to the photographs, posted from November 18, 2008 to the
present time, within 14 days of the date of this order;2. The Plaintiff to produce and deliver to
the solicitor for the Defendants copies of all photographs in her possession or
control, taken on vacation or otherwise, in which she is featured, from
November 18, 2008 to the present time, within 14 days of the date of this
order;3. The Plaintiff to produce and deliver to
the solicitor for the Defendants the metadata associated with any digital
photographs in her possession or control, taken since November I8, 2008 to the
present time, in which she is featured, within 14 days of the date of this
order. And4. The Plaintiff
to pay the Defendants costs of this application in any event of the cause....